Discipleship: Maywood encourages believers to serve, be in a Life Group and grow in their Christian Walk.
At Maywood we also provide different classes and resources to help people mature in their relationship with Christ and in keeping with our mission and vision.
At Maywood EFC our Vision is "Becoming a People to Reach People for Christ"
Bible Reading: The Maywood website has various Bible reading plans.
Classes: At scheduled times we offer-
Bible Doctrine - We use the book Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem
Studying and Understanding Scripture or Grasping God's Word - We use the book Grasping God's Word by Duvall and Hays
Apologetics and Evangelism - We use the book On Guard by William Lane Craig and Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice
Basics of Faith - We use the book Training by Isaac Adams
Spiritual Gifts class - Offered three times a year
The Disciple's Calling - December 3, 2017
A Gospel Shaped Church - August 27, 2017
Vision Sunday - August 27, 2017
Web based: Gospel Coalition Courses
Reach out to a person for the purpose of evangelism at a place you frequent on a regular basis. If you go to Starbucks - someone you may see there who helps you.
Fast from something in your life. It doesn't have to be just food. An example may be an entertainment or social media fast.
Pray about being part of a short-term missions trip - if God is leading- Go.
Get involved in outreach to your community through the church.
Get out of your comfort zone. Is there something God may want you to do to stretch you.
Go on a retreat to spend concentrated time with God.
Take a spiritual gift inventory and serve God.
Get involved in a life group: If you would like to be in a Life Group contact Pastor Dave
Disciple's Calling:
For the Disciple's Calling booklet click here.
For the Maywood Vision and Purpose Handbook click here.